Most Common FAQs About Sewage Treatment Plant

Home Blog Most Common FAQs About Sewage Treatment Plant

New to the world of sewage water treatment plants and do not know where to begin your research from? Well, do not worry as we have got you covered. Being one the leading manufacturers of high-end water treatment plants in India, we have answered the most common frequently asked questions about the Sewage Treatment Plant.

sbr sewage treatment plant

What Can Be Termed As a Small Sewage Treatment Plant?

Plants that handle about 1 to 250 Kilo Liters per day as called the small sewage water treatment plants. They can be easily placed in underground tanks and existing septic tanks. Operating and maintaining these small plants are quite easy and have a low running expense as well and the treated water from this plant can be used in flushing, after using disinfecting chemicals.

Why Does a Sewage Treatment Plant Fail So Often?

The only reason can be that they are badly designed. It is not the fault of the process but the person who has made the plant. Many of the sewage water treatment plants in India, fail to take into consideration the water timings from the corporation, due to which they fail to design a proper collection tank. Many operators blams the people for not using their water accurately and push it on the use of detergent, soap, disinfectants or oil. But the truth is, properly designed sewage water treatment plant can withstand any sort of household waste easily so it is definitely the design. Try to get a sewage water treatment plant from a well-known manufacturer or supplier in India to avoid such failures.

Why Are Modular Sewage Treatment Plants Needed in Low Occupancy Buildings?

Many new buildings are occupied in an incremental manner which may take years to achieve full occupancy. With this in mind, the buildings should install a Modular Sewage Treatment Plant by planning ahead on the occupancy. Other than this, we have mentioned a few reasons why it will be beneficial:

  • Individually operated reactor tanks
  • Timed aeration process
  • Biological treatment process with Activated Sludge
  • Intelligent control over the whole process

Why Choose SBR Sewage Water Treatment Plant?

SBR sewage water treatment plants are highly efficient to perform under multiple loads and water flow conditions.

Benefits of Choosing SBR Sewage Water Treatment Plant

There are several benefits of installing a SBR Sewage Water Treatment Plant, along with providing construction flexibilities like:

  • Fully grounded machinery and construction
  • Fully underground construction, on top of the grounded machines
  • Partially underground construction
  • SBR chamber at one location and multiple collection tanks at various locations
  • Multiple SBR sewage water treatment plants in various locations at one site

Functional Advantages of a SBR Sewage Treatment System:

  • Streamlined treatment
  • Full automation control
  • Consistent and proven process
  • Simple in operation
  • Sophisticated and clean process
  • No minimum load required for the plant to operate
  • Lower running costs
  • Limited parts to repair and manage
  • Lower sludge production
  • Very simple construction requirements

Whom to Select to Get the Best SBR Sewage Water Treatment Plant?

Do not know about the quality suppliers or manufacturers in India and want to get a remarkable SBR Sewage Water Treatment Plant? Get in touch with Cleantech Water. We always provide superior results in water treatment facilities. Call us at 079-4003 6917 to know which plant better suits you!

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